Oct 27, 2014Explorer
Tow vehicle fuel tank size
Researching for suitable truck to pull 32 ft 5th wheel, and was quite sold on the 2015 Ford 1 ton with a 6.5 ft box, right up until I found out it has a 98 litre gas tank. With the 1/2 ton I currently own, I am pulling a 25 ft trailer and I am always stopping due to it's 22 gal tank and gas engine. The question is, with a diesel 1 ton towing a 5th under 10000 lbs, with a 98 litre(25.8 g) fuel tank, does this seem wrong to you, because to me it looks like I am going to be stopping all the time at gas stations, just like I am now?
Any comments are welcome,
thanks again.
Any comments are welcome,
thanks again.