Turtle n Peeps wrote:
APT wrote:
I'll state it another way. Every gas engine vehicle will use very close to the same amount of fuel when the aerodynamic drag is the same, i.e. sale high walled trailer. So like the OP, I would expect nearly the same mpg from the current V6 as the prior 4-cly assuming the same driving conditions. So my theory is that the driving conditions are not the same, i.e. he is driving faster since he now has significantly more power/gearing/wheel torque available. If he slows down to the same 35-40mp up those hills, then I expect the fuel to fall back in line. If you he is holding 68mph up every hill and freeway overpass, then it will cost more fuel.
Great post APT!
IOW's, A smaller engine at WOT or almost WOT is way more efficient than a big engine at 1/4 throttle making the same horse power.
If people have HP, most of the time they will use it.
Theoretically true, however approaching WOT the ECM/PCM will enrichen the air/fuel ratio somewhat from the ideal 14.7/1.
Best scenario is to maintain TCC engagement through smaller throttle angle if possible as the ECM is trimming most economically and trans temps are greatly reduced.
If a larger engine allows this scenario I am all for it.