goducks10 wrote:
ib516 wrote:
I really like the line in there about Ford selling 640,000 plus another 100,000 in Canada and the guy comparing that to McDonalds. You know how some say McDonalds sells the most burgers but that doesn't mean they're the best.
I know what you mean. My favourite local burger is phenomenal. It's at a drive inn, in the country about 50 miles from where we live. We think nothing of driving out there once a month to enjoy this fine food fare.
They're only open from April till October....closed for the winter. They've been selling burgers and wonderful milkshakes since 1960.
I doubt if they make more than about 10-15,000 burgers a year.
They're like the Rolls-Royce of burgers.
Made like Rolls-Royce too.... in small numbers, bespoke creation, excellent ingredients/components and absolutely superb final product.
Now that doesn't sound like McDonalds or just about any of the large automotive manufacturers.
But, when you consider the value you get for a GM, Ford, Dodge product....they're hard to beat. They might not be products of the carriage trade...but generally they crank out excellent vehicles.
I have to say for a fast, cheap, relatively nutritious meal on the go...a McDonald's double burger or A+W Papa burger...ain't bad at all either.