coach4life wrote:
ironically most of my problems (swaying) are driving down I5 in washington state which is where you two responded from on your profile. not the best hwy to begin with.
Don't I know it!
Been down there with the trailer often, which reminds me:
I can actually PREDICT certain places on that road where my (properly balanced) trailer will tend to sway, since road conditions themselves can actually have an important effect that's unrelated to the setup. Downhills and curves come to mind, both of which require very judicious attention to speed. There's one curve near Longview that has both conditions at once! I can think of more such spots in the Northwest, too.
Interestingly, as I've become more familiar with both the roads and how my combination handles I've made much less use of that good ol' sway-stopper, the manual slide knob on the brake controller. Ain't that magic? At the first hint of sway, slide that knob over (without applying tug brakes) and PRESTO! that bad sway be g-o-n-e GONE! :)