This is a post that might wind up going on for pages and pages. But in short everything above looks like good info for the taking. 5-ers are a bit more of a slam dunk for no sway. Hensley is likely the very best unit on the market. There are many other W.D. type hitch set ups and they are not all created equal. Some W.D. hitches integrate the sway control into the spring bars. Some don't. The one I have doesn't and it has a friction sway control tagged on the side of the trailer's tongue to the hitch head. Most persons that have the sway integrated units, think mine is pretty low fine for me and I've never had sway issues at all. I recommend staying away from the Chinese Mfg'd units. Had one crack on me once and once is enough. With so many low cost units out there and they seem to have "American Names" on them, it's kinda hard to tell where stuff is made.