Forum Discussion
Given that My truck tires track in the same path at the FW tires, why weren't they affected? We also inspected the other tires during the change of the first one, no noticeable objects and PSI was good. And unlike any other blowout I've had on any other vehicle, these literally exploded. I think they are cheaply made and just can't handle the weight and speed. Probably fine for a landscape trailer.
ya I have had total explosions on my LT tire on my vehicles also. if your trailer tires are in the same path as your truck tires you have an extreamly narrow trailer most rv's are 8 foot wide and the outside of the tire is ligned up almost exactly with the edge of the rv on most. so that will put the stance of the rv tires anywhere between 0.5 to 1.5 feet wider than the truck tires depending on the truck, a dualy might be a bit closer but that will still be a little narrower. what normaly happens is the truck tires catch the edge of somthing and pull it into the path of the rv tires, or the truck tires just come close and the trailer tires hit it. My 5th wheel blow out two years ago was a road hazard, although there was no evedence as the tire blew so badly it is the only logical conclusion concidering I was going through a construction zone and that lane went onto the shoulder to make room for the workers.. the 5th wheel just tracked far enough over to catch somthing it happens, luckily my insurance covered everything but the tire its self.