mkirsch wrote:
JimK-NY wrote:
I fail to understand all the guessing. It took me all of about 30 seconds to find the specs from Ford. Again, the weight difference in a bit under 250#.
Yet you have not stated what the actual weight of the box is, or your source. I've tried google and can find nothing but other speculation in other threads in other forums, let alone anything from Ford.
OP is looking for the ACTUAL weight of the box, not the difference and some nebulous claim that you found it on Ford's website.
I found every weight out there when I googled it. It looks like they weigh about 500 to 2000 pounds. Here is an aluminum truck accessory manufacturer and it states under "weight" what I have found.
The GMC forum "member" that I found states that the GMC bed weighs between 250 and 300 pounds for a 6.5 bed.
I searched many other sites and found much of the same. So a truck bed accessory manufacturer says they weigh up to 2000 pounds and a guy on the forums says it weighs 300 pounds. Who knows?
I couldn't bring myself to look at anything ford. :) They list ford.
Time to call ford.