specta wrote:
I weighted my truck on a CAT Scale and subtracted it from the truck's GVW rating.
It came out that my cargo capacity was 2920 lbs. My camper weighed 2921 lbs.
I was over loaded. :E And as a result all four tires blew out, both front and rear axles busted and my brakes couldn't stop the truck when everything gave out and I crashed and totaled my truck and camper. :B
Specta, so sorry for your loss--lol!
So . . . I pose this question. Why do we have so many lengthy debates about how to calculate an "alternate" payload on a truck when the manufacturer's rated payload is clearly displayed on the door jam of most every truck? It's because many hard-side campers push a lot these trucks to, and over, the manufacturer's rated payload (especially SRW's). As a result, folks start to rationalize how they can "increase" their payload by picking and choosing an alternate way to calculate a higher payload for their truck. Can you really blame folks for doing this. It costs a lot of money to purchase a truck with a higher manufacturer's rated payload sticker on the door jam--lol!
Simply put, if it was easy to stay within the manufacturer's rated payload when carrying a camper there would be zero no need for all these daily/weekly debates on payload.