sranderle wrote:
We're looking into a possible truck camper to replace our current teardrop style trailer.
I visited a dealer this weekend, and we were talking about payload. I know that this is important when it comes to truck campers. They stated that the sticker on the driver's door jamb is not the true payload. They said to add up the front and rear GAWR, and substract the weight of the truck (full tank of fuel, no tailgate, empty).
I've heard this same formula before. On my current truck, that would give me 680# over the GVWR.
I'm looking to the community to see if this is accurate or not. The dealer was definitely not trying to sell me anything.
Thanks for your insight!
Ha Ha Ha..What do yu think of the replies now..(laughing)
The fact is the listed payload on your door is the so called legal payload..There is no way to change that,period!
So moving on you will see that most people(not all) with a truck camper are over there GVWR and will give you reasons why that is okay..It is up to you to choose what you want to do, on your own..
By the time you take that door sticker payload and subtract the weight of everything you put in the truck people/tools/pets/coolers/clothes etc..You name it..That payload just went way down,I mean way down..Not leaving much weight for a truck camper..
Then there is the truck camper and the hardware to secure it to the truck..It never ends,then water /food and camping supplies..After all that it's time to weigh..Most likely you will be over your GVWR unless you choose a very small TC or pop-up or have a DRW with a smaller TC..
As an example::I have a Ford F-350 DRW with 4600# on the door sticker as payload with a Lance 9.6 that weighs 2689# empty..I am within 100# or so of being maxed out or over my listed(legal) payload..One more person/pet or more tools and I would be over GVWR.
Only you can decide how to proceed on getting into the TC business..