waynec1957 wrote:
Reese makes a straight-line trunnion system that can utilize a 2 1/2 shank up to 1,700 lb. TW but I haven't seen too much on it yet. So any suggestions on that would be appreciated too.
I have one and have been towing with current setup since 2007. Same main hitch and the actual DC since 2003, just lighter WD bars.
The hitch is a good hitch and IMHO the best you are going to get in the ultra friction type of WD hitches with built in anti sway. That said the hitch itself will not solve all towing problems. Think of it as a good tool to help get the job done. On the 30 foot plus TT's proper TW per loaded GVW of the TT is a must (13 to 15% is better) as well as the hitch setup and then even truck tire pressure and what type of tires are on the truck.
Your new truck is night and day different then your prior one. It is hands down a good pulling truck. However, it is not invincible nor is mine. The Dmax eats up payload and when you are looking at 9,000# dry GVW TT's you can be using up all of the truck available payload capacity when a heavy TW comes along. It is not that it won't do it or can't do it, it is that it can be on the edge or over pending the loaded TW with "stuff" in the truck bed.
That said, for my camper TW and my bed weight, I'm glad I went 1 ton SRW. When I was looking the only gasser 3/4 ton that had the payload and pull ratings I was after was the 2500HD with the 8.1 big block. The lighter engine allowed me more payload. The F250PDS or the 2500HD DMAX I would run out of payload. I'm just bringing this up to help you sort out your choices as after looking over everything, it might push you more into a 35 foot that can have a GVWR of 10,000# to 10,500# but it is starting out with a 7,500# or so dry weight. It is not hard on a 30 to 35 ft TT to add close to 3,000# of stuff especially if you need to haul fresh water. I have managed to do this....
Good luck and glad to answer any more questions on the Straight line etc.