drsteve wrote:
Both. Your Navigator is a people mover. It comes with HT tires rather than stiff sidewalled truck tires. The suspension is plush. It's a Lincoln, so some of the payload capacity has been taken up already with power options, leather seating, and other bells and whistles. None of that is conducive to heavy towing.
Did you look at the door sticker to see what your particular payload is?
The Nav has a wheelbase of 122". A crew cab pickup is almost three feet more than that. Your short WB, softly sprung Nav will be at a disadvantage when that 32 foot trailer decides to wag the dog due to heavy winds, passing trucks, etc.
A note on weight... when the manufacturer says trailer, they do not necessarily mean TRAVEL trailer. Your Nav would haul a farm wagon with 7000 pounds of brick stacked on it, or a big boat, far easier than a TT. Travel trailers have the worst aerodynamics and the largest percentage of tongue weight of any bumper pull trailer. With an HD truck this is not a really big deal. With an SUV, it can be a dealbreaker, especially as you approach the "rated" towing weight.
Thank you - that is helpful. The payload sticker says 1675. We have my wife and I a 3 and 5 year old two 85 lb dogs. Adding up that weight, plus the hitch weight and 150 lbs or so for car seats, random **** and we have about 350 lbs of payload left.
Good poiint on the winds/trucks. That all plays a role and if the one I'm looking at is just too big, then it's just too big. Or I have to make a decision on TV.