cruz-in wrote:
Hi Team,
We are looking to buy a TT and my bride really likes white cabinets on the interior of a TT.
I have found very few that offer this. So Far:
1) Keystone on the Premier line
2) Travel Lite's Evoke Line
3) Winnebago (has a sort of washed out white wood finish)
You all know of any others?
Not really, wasn't very popular 15 yrs ago when I was looking to buy a RV, matter of fact, can't recall seeing any in white at the RV shows I went to.
I suspect it is not a "popular" finish otherwise you would be seeing lots of options in white cabinets.. RV manufacturers like pretty much any other "builder" make things that appeal to a broad market. Myself, don't like white or painted cabinets, prefer natural woods in pretty much clear finish.
You do realize that YOU can paint them, right?
Yeah, it may be a bit of work to prep but painting them can be a way to get things the way YOU want them without compromising on other features..
Not to mention, paint is pretty cheap option and can often hide some of the ugly decor ruts that RV manufacturers tend to fall into for many yrs (yeah, I remember the ugly green "jungle print" themes back in the early 2000's that EVERY RV manufacturer had)..