fj12ryder wrote:
Don't let anyone talk you out of an auxiliary tank.
You don't have to spend $1500-$1700. I have a manual fill 40 gallon tank with a hose and pump, total cost around $500. With the stock tank of 35 gallons I can now fill up once a day. And the wonderful part is that I get to decide when I'll fill up. Like the man says, you still don't have to drive until you're empty, but you don't end up taking your breaks in a noisy, stinky truck stop because it was no problem getting fuel while hooked up.
I usually fill up in the evening after we've stopped for the day and have unhooked. Now I don't have to worry about finding a station that will allow me to get in and out with a 40' toyhauler. It's not a big deal if you stay on the interstates and major highways, but get off the main routes and easy-access stations can be harder to find.
That is the reason I have my aux tank. I never worry about range and can fill at easy access fuel stops. No regrets on my purchase.