Forum Discussion

pawpawgaga's avatar
Mar 28, 2021

Two Easy Questions (hopefully!)

Two easy questions.....our tt has a rear bathroom that has the door partially blocked when the slide is in (it's a 2020) and it has two lines pulling it in. The dealership said several times that as long as we didn't step on the slide, it wouldn't hurt to partially push out the slide to use the restroom when traveling and then pulling it back in. We haven't done that yet but might have to in the future. The local RV repair professional also said the same thing that the dealer said. Has anyone else been told this and since two different professionals told us it's okay, can we trust that it is okay? Only asking because a couple other travelers said you absolutely can't do that, but I'd think the professionals would know what they're talking about.

Also, are there any states where you cannot park the the interstate roadside rest (on the semi/trailer side? and catch a little sleep while traveling? We've seen all sorts of RVs stopped for the night, as well as semis, and it would seem it's permitted. Again, same couple friends insisted you can't do that but I'm thinking it appears to be okay as long as you check the state's regulations ahead of time?

Thanks for any advice/help.
  • You can't stay overnight at MN rest stops. You might get away with sleeping for a couple of hours, I don't know I've never tried it.

    There is an attendant on duty 24 hours a day at MN rest stops though. You could try asking them if they will allow you to stay a few hour and then ask them how long they are at work.

    (No use having the first guy say it's OK only to have him leave and the next guy say it's not.)
  • prichardson wrote:
    State regulations on rest area stops vary. Most have no problem with a few hours for a quick shut eye. Some allow overnight.

    yup. And at least at many rest stops the "no camping" doesn't mean "no overnight parking to rest".

    That's why they are called "rest stops"

    I've found most rest stops will list specifics, like max 8 hours etc. some will prohibit staying at all.
  • Different mfrs might make slides somewhat differently, but I'd try it at home a few times; if all seems okay, you're probably good to go.

    Actually, my easy solution would be to remove the bathroom door and add a curtain. But that won't work for every couple or family.
  • Slides can be partially opened for access to other items/areas as long as you DO NOT use the slide unless FULLY Extended

    Rest Areas.....that varies by State
    If you see other parked then most likely OK
    If you are the only one........hummmmmmmmmmm?
  • Rest stops are for brief rests, so couple of hours seems fine. Overnights at busy ones deny others the opportunity to use the facility for its purpose....potty and a brief rest.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    I have to partially push out my living room slide to access the fridge. We do it all the time without issue.

    We have spent maybe 8 nights over the past 10 years at road side rest areas in Texas and Louisiana. We found them noisy. I'm sure each state has their own laws on the matter. We prefer Cabela`s, church parking lots, some Wal-Mart's weren't bad. Some cities have ordinances disallowing parking lot overnights but we have never had an issue.
  • I use my trailer with the slide in sometimes, without any information on your trailer there is no way to determine if it will work for you. "Professionals" huh, you have much to learn about RV service.

    The slide wipers need a good distance of travel to flip, so look for that issue.

    I travel with the bathroom door hooked open so that the it is accessible at all times. Again, we don't know if that is an option for you. Perhaps you can hang the door from the opposite side or make it open in instead of out.

    Look for signs at roadside stops, the rules vary. Go to the states website for more information.
  • State regulations on rest area stops vary. Most have no problem with a few hours for a quick shut eye. Some allow overnight.