brholt wrote:
Is this with your F550?
We ordered the low profile 8.9 BTU AC. I am kind of wondering what the height will turn out for our F350
I have the truck in my signature.
On the Arched roof AFs, the height from the bottom of the side wing (which is 1/4" or so LOWER than the bottom of the camper) to the top of the A/C is 115" = 9' 7"
Subtract 4" for the reduced height of the low profile A/C
Add that to the height of your truck bed, subtract what the truck squats with your current camper loaded and that will give you the new camper height.
The low profile A/C probably won't have the 20 watt solar panel on top of it.
The measurements I posted above are what I measured at the dealer in Spokane on two campers Saturday.