May 13, 2014Explorer
Update: On my RV Building Plans....
UPDATE: On my RV building plans
Well, you spoke..... and I listened.
Thank you to all those that provided feedback to me on my RV building plans. Your ideas and suggestions have been very helpful. Some of the things pointed out to me were;
- My trailer was too high. (This was a rendering error and I corrected it) The actual trailer should come in at no more than 11' now.
- I didn't have enough storage. Now I added a storage cabinet over the desk and an access door to storage below the trailer in the back.
- Someone even pointed out that my tongue was not in the right spot and I corrected that.
If you haven't seen my plans to build an RV or you want to see the rendering revisions I made please go to: MY RV PLANS If you have any more suggestions, ideas or feedback I would greatly appreciate it.
Fondly, -Darla
Well, you spoke..... and I listened.
Thank you to all those that provided feedback to me on my RV building plans. Your ideas and suggestions have been very helpful. Some of the things pointed out to me were;
- My trailer was too high. (This was a rendering error and I corrected it) The actual trailer should come in at no more than 11' now.
- I didn't have enough storage. Now I added a storage cabinet over the desk and an access door to storage below the trailer in the back.
- Someone even pointed out that my tongue was not in the right spot and I corrected that.
If you haven't seen my plans to build an RV or you want to see the rendering revisions I made please go to: MY RV PLANS If you have any more suggestions, ideas or feedback I would greatly appreciate it.
Fondly, -Darla