For me being exactly at the required DC voltage has no meaning at all for me.
I use 12.0VDC as my point to start realizing my batteries are around the 50% charge state.
The charts for the wet batteries is like this I think...
Using the 12.0VDC here as the point to recharge back up to the 12.5 VDC point which is around the 90% charge state gives me great performance with my batteries. i.e. they last about the same time period when I am drawing around 23AMPS DC current during the 6PM to 11PM time frame each night doing this... When I do this including my parasitic drains I usually see around the 12.0VDC point at 8Am the next morning. This is when I will run 2KW Honda Generator connected to the trailer shore power cable to recharge my batteries back to the appx 90% charge in about three hours of generator run time. I don't have any solar panels going yet...
Thats all that really matters to me to be able to do the same thing the next day/night run off the batteries.
For me it really doesn't matter if I missed by a couple points...
Roy Ken