Forum Discussion

intheburbs's avatar
Feb 07, 2014

Want to upgrade shocks on a Suburban 2500

Took our first trip with the new TV - 2008 Suburban 2500. Roughly 2000-mile round trip down to Gulf Shores. Several times, the surface of the road caused some excessive suspension travel, especially on the front end. I was not using my weight bars, since there was no squat to the rear at all. Here's my weigh slip from the trip:

The motion was well-damped, it was never more than 1 or 2 big heaves, but I'd like to upgrade to shocks that will help minimize/reduce that motion.

I'm open to suggestions. There seems to be a dizzying array of shock choices, but I'd like to hear from experienced RVers about what's worked for them. Cost is not part of the equation; don't need any budget shocks. Rancho? Monroe? Other?

Thanks for the help.

ETA: The Bilstein 4600 HD shocks look good. Any thoughts? LOL just saw N-trouble's post.
  • I have the same truck, bought new. The OEM shock are underdamped new, let along with however many miles yours has now. Bilstiens are on my upgrade list, as are KYB Monomax. I wish Rancho made the RS9000X for these.

    I highly recommend using a WDH. The receiver is only rated for 600 pounds of TW, which I'm certain you are exceeding given TT axles have 5500 pounds. 600 pounds of TW would be <10% TW. The other reason to use one is for the loss of weight on the front axle. Hard to say what that is unless you take 3 passes.

    Thanks for the report!
  • Ok, Ok, I get the point. Not the first "what shocks?" thread.

    Bilsteins ordered. Thanks for the advice.
  • Not sure if ANYONE mentioned it yet, but we put Bilsteins on our truck and are very happy with them...towing and daily driving.
  • rhagfo's avatar
    Explorer III
    N-Trouble wrote:

  • Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,Bilstein,
  • I have a similar question to yours. I had the porposing effect on some roads until I installed a set of Stable Loads. They helped tremendously. I still am thinking of upgrading the shocks later and don't know which ones I will use. With the S/L's, I can run 65 on roads I used to slow to 50 on. It bounces some, but totally tolerable. I know this is a little off topic, but maybe it will help some.