Forum Discussion

GateMaster97's avatar
Jul 03, 2013

Weight distribution chains stretched too tight?

I've got a question regarding my weight distribution hitch setup... when I tow the trailer and install the weight distribution bars, leaving two links at the top seems to not have the chains very tight and my gas mileage was horrible, and the truck seems to sag in the back more than I'd expect... So, this past weekend I pulled the chains tighter (3 free links at the top) and the chains were much tighter, and my gas mileage improved by at least 3 mpg which might be a coincidence. I took a picture of the installation with the tighter chains (see below), do they look too tight and is it possible to get them too tight where they would break? Thanks for the help.
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  • What @Huntindog said!

    Nobody cares what link you are on. That will vary from rig to rig and setup to setup. That is WHY there are links in the first place, otherwise they'd just use a bar with two holes in it for top and bottom. or make the spring bar a single "L" shaped piece. Having links allows you to adjust things to get it right.

    And don't worry about breaking the chain. Only way you'll do that is if you are in a horrible wreck and the whole rig is destroyed. The two pieces of chain are quite capable of lifting your entire TV and trailer off the ground and shaking it to boot.
  • Proper setup is a lot more involved than just what link the chain is on.
    You really need to read the sticky on this.WD setuo
  • On mine I put them on the fifth link.
    I have to jack up the trailer and use the cheater pipe to put them on.
    The trailer is perfectly level with the truck, and it rides like a charm (no sway at all)

    Jack L
  • I think the tension bars give some so the chains will not break. It sounds like you are where you need to be. If the back was sagging then there was not enough tension on the bars.
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  • When I used the EaZLift I had it on the 5th link. I would jack the trauck and the trailer up together until it was hig enough to get it on the 5th link then let them down and the chains would have mega tension on them. Made the truck and trailer pretty level and gave a smooth ride. Only problem was the sway. had to get the hensley arrow to get rid of the darn sway.