SoundGuy wrote:
......owner's manual that weight distribution IS required beyond 600 lbs gross tongue weight.
TomG2 wrote:
What is your point?
My point is obvious - making a generalized statement as you did that
"We still have lots of WD hitch fans and of course the RV dealers like to pick up an easy couple hundred dollars on the deal", as if the sole purpose of WD is to further the profit of RV dealers who sell them, is absolute rubbish. Weight distribution
can work well in just about
any application when properly sized & adjusted and are certainly worth the investment.
Secondly, as I already said, my own 2012 Silverado CC sags FAR more
"than an inch or so" without the benefit of weight distribution. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand leverage - put 600 lbs as far aft of a tow vehicle's axle as you can and it WILL unload the vehicle's front steer axle. Those towing with 3/4 or 1 ton trucks obviously have much more latitude but those of us towing with a 1/2 ton (or less) will
always benefit from using weight distribution
regardless of whether we're at or over the vehicle's weight carrying rating, which is commonly 600 lbs for most 1/2 tons. Sure, if I were still towing a 2500 lb popup with an average gross tongue weight of 300 lbs I wouldn't bother, for anything else I wouldn't even consider towing without weight distribution.