boogie_4wheel wrote:
Are the batteries original? If so you've gotten beyond typical life out of them.
I'll join the 'replace batteries' group.
Count me in for replacing the batteries. I typically don't trust batteries beyond 5 years.
My 2014 started doing some goofy things last fall. On cold starts, especially when using the glow plugs, it would turn over really hard, chug when first started, and flash lights for ABS, 'service 4X4', low voltage....all kinds of stuff. I took it to a local battery shop and they load tested both batteries. One tested okay for CCA, but on the low end and the other failed. The failed battery also showed only 10 volts at rest, so that means I had a dead cell. I replaced both batteries and everything is as good as new, no goofy dash lights on start, and cranking is a snap.
Oh, and be careful removing the cables. There are 250A fuses built into the battery terminal connectors. Somehow when the shop was replacing my batteries one of the fuses blew. Unfortunately for me, that part was a dealer only item. I'm not sure if your 2011 has these, but you'll want to have a spare on hand just in case it arcs and pops the fuse.