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Lexicon7's avatar
May 24, 2014

What I Want to Do Today... but Not Sure How?

Hi Guys, when I picked up my 1995 Lance 4000 I thought I had some good ideas on how to keep stuff from dancing while on the road. Most of my ideas failed and this has become a real quandary!

What are you all doing to keep the kitchen items used most that you like on the counter.. to stay on the counter? (or do you just keep them elsewhere?)

How to utilize that overhead cabinet over the bed that is so long but so narrow? (thought about fabricating some very small cardboard boxes to partition that odd shaped space but need some feedback first!?)

Same thing with the "wells" both sides of the bed? Shallow but very long space???

That one cabinet on the fridge side of the camper and just ahead of it near the bed? Has many handy shelves and a sort of "well" but stuff falls against the doors and dumps out! Thought about fixing some large velcro straps on all that type of door and even the fridge door which opened and then shut again once! Also thought about using the "fridge shelf telescopic keeper" type devices on the front of the shelves so if the door does open, nothing can jump overboard...?

Well, you get the picture. I'm very surprised this has me so stumped because as a retired contractor, I'm generally great at all things fabrication or shall we say "technical manufactureres adjustments!??"
  • It sure is fun when the fridge decides to empty itself while on the road. We have also had the dishes fall out of the cabinet and all my reading magazines and books out of another. it becomes a learning curve. I always police the area now before breaking camp or stopping for lunch. I made a couple of 1/2" x 3" boards to place inside in the front of the cabinet so nothing can get out when I'm moving. When I was on the ship we had a 2" gate around the stove so the pots and pans and anything that was thing cooking couldn't slide off when it was a bit rough. Also had a lip around any counters and tables...Might work...:) Good luck....
  • I like netting storage pockets from Organized

    One of these came with my TC along the floor and I love it.

    I also bought some cheap mesh market bags on amazon and use these to store food - 1 for fruit and 1 for breads/soft squishy stuff. I just hang them under the kitchen cabinet and one on the ceiling of my wardrobe cabinet.
  • nothing rides counter top unless you want it on the floor after the first turn or bump. Cabinet or sink only. I use these spring loaded rails in the fridge and cabinet to keep stuff from hitting the doors and I put hooks and eyelets on the cabinet doors to keep them shut.

  • We also use the sinks for storage of utensils in a plastic container with a wooden sink cover. Oven works great for chips and microwave for fruit or other things that like to roll around.
  • I would not even attempt to keep things on the counter while in motion. My kitchen gear gets stowed in cupboards or it travels in the sink.

    You don't want stuff to get a run at a door. I keep most of my stuff (cupboards or frig) in baskets or small boxes. You don't even have to buy those, and they make it easier to pull out the front stuff to get to what is in the back. For containers, use items you might otherwise put into recycling: a cut-down Kleenex or cereal box makes a great drawer organizer, a cut-down gallon jug can become a small basket, etc. If you want to spend money on organizers, Welmart or Camping World has many choices.

    Ways to keep doors shut: be sure that available latches are engaged and supplement those latches if necessary. I have used blue masking tape to hold the frig shut. Other possibilities: add a second set of latches to each door or try some sort of child-safe latch or earthquake strap (get these at W-M or Home Depot or some such place).

    How do I know this? Because at one time or another every cupboard in my RV has done a self-eject and put its contents on the floor. Sigh.

    One idea I've heard about the shallow long spaces is to use some sort of stuff sack or duffel and attach a cord that you can use to pull it out.

    Experiment a bit. The first place you try for storage may not be the One, so try another. I find that needs change with time of year or nature of activity as I rotate equipment from garage to RV (winter its a portable heater, summer its a fan, etc).