Super_Dave wrote:
billtex wrote:
Call it relative,not antiquated.
Why?? Were those designations ever accurate? I would guess that those terms used to mean what they said or why else were they coined?
Well...they never really were "accurate"...back in the 60's when those terms were coined a 1/2 ton meant a truck had a payload of "at least 1000#"...but you could buy a heavy 1/2 that had a payload of 1400#!
So...accurate?...not really...
Reddog; let's not forget about C10/C20 K10/K20 designations either!
Marketing spin may be the best term...but the ratings are relative; a 1 ton has the most capacity, 3/4 ton a little less, and 1/2 ton the least of full size pickup trucks...