MFL wrote:
It may be that the warm side is doing most of the braking. If checking temps shortly after coming to a stop, you should not have any "cool as a cucumber" hubs.
agreed. After pulling into a rest area or other stop area from freeway speeds check the brake drums (hubs) . they should all be warm and about the same temperature. If one or more is much hotter or colder than the rest, that indicates a tight or loose brake adjustment.
you should be able to do this with your hand. they should be warm, but not to hot for a quick check unless you have been using the brake for a long downhill stop before pulling into a rest area or a stop.
If side is much differnt than the other, is the cool side the side opposite the main electric brake feed from the tongue? If so, you could either have a broken feed between the sides, or very often the wire gauge for the cross feed isn't that large and there may be enough voltage drop to affect the brake balance.
I redid the brake wiring for our trailer, dedicated 12ga feed to each side. made a big difference in braking performance.