There was a time when I drove nothing but Chevrolets. And all were great vehicles. Never had one that was a problem.
But there came a time when I was looking to buy and the local Chevy salesman made me mad. I went to the local Ford dealer just to look, liked what I saw/drove, and bought a new Ford. Have bought nothing but Fords for the last 27 years. Now have a 2012 F350. And they have all also been great. Have yet to have one that has been a problem.
Had that one salesman not made me mad I would probably still be driving Chevys. And probably still be happy with them. But, at the same time, I have no regrets being a Ford owner now.
Had I been driving Dodge/Ram, I would probably have been happy with them also.
The one that YOU like best, and get the best deal on, and get the best service from, will be one that makes YOU happy. Matters not what others like.