Cummins12V98 wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Ron, give can't win..Fish has one agenda and one agenda slam Ram trucks, no matter what it takes...He has stories from people all over the US that confide in him and he passes it on to us..he knows someone, or he knows someone who knows someone or he has kinfolk working for every major manufacturer or someone working in every service dept across the US, you can't beat him....Fish knows all about Ram, even more than he knows about GM/Chevy or even Ford because he lives to put Ram and their owners down....he lives for this.....UNCLE!! You win Fish, you should change you handle to FishAgainstRam...actually, never mind, most by now know your agenda.....
Ok, Fish you win!!!!!!
We know there is a big movement out there in the HD truck world and that RAM has stepped up styling, performance and dependability and have their claims are backed up by SAE J2807.
I agree with your comments... Now I would appreciate that you don't quote the drama queen because the block feature doesn't cover quotes. It's bad enough when someone over at the asks about a Power Stroke vs a Cummins and everyone has to read all the drama this guy slurps out. And I'm sure the drama queen will retaliate, but first let me say we do have a cummins owner from this forum who spends time at a FTE and is treated with respect.
Adios Drama queen...:S