FishOnOne wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
I don't and won't block ANYONE.
I will say I have grown to respect NC based on his fact based posts and has never been an attacker.
I understand your position, but perhaps I should post a link where the drama queen attacks another poster (UGA33) at the At times I can't believe the drama queen is a grown man. :R
Now back to the topic so the OP can make a wise decision.
You're one to talk, sounds like you're a stalker...kinda scary when all you have time to do is follow another person around on another forum to see what they're posting and then call them speaks volumes about you...and if I "attacked anyone", there was probably a reason, but don't include any of that in your lurking and stalking post..It's really scary that you're that interested in just me...Thank God you don't live around this area, I'd have to get a restraining order on're one scary guy to go out of your way to spend that kind of time to follow someone around.
and yeah, I'm a grown man, married 44 years, raised 3 children, now taking care of my daughter and my two granddaughters as well; a supervisor with a major manufacturing plant and if I wasn't a "man" when I got married in 1970, I became one in the jungles of now you attack my character and know nothing about me.....please stalk someone else....there are more than just me that disagree with you, go after some of them....Never had time to be a Drama Queen, but sounds like you wrote the book on being well as a stalker.