covered wagon wrote:
When camping as the lone camper with miles of wilderness around, do you feel safer with a loaded firearm handy? Or is having the magazine ready to slide in a better option?
X3 for training..I was born and raised hunting in the backcountry..Hunting handguns are almost always,wheel guns in larger calibers..Semi auto's can do it with shot placement and a proper bullet but not recommended..An acquaintance did kill a charging Brown bear with a 9MM but he is an Alaskan Bear guide with hundreds of bears under his belt..
To your question..Since you were talking magazines you are talking semi auto handguns..I always have the clip in and barrel empty ready to slide one in if necessary..That's called the Israel method..Carrying one in the chamber is asking for trouble and accidents especially for those with little to no firearm experience..
We just had a Grizzly spotted within a mile or so of town..LOL..People were and are over reacting to it..Most wild animals run off at the first site of a human or the sound of a barking dog..I have been around a lot of bears and have shot quite a few and I see no threat or have I ever even on horseback with spooked horses..I was more worried about the horses dumping me than the bear...I could go on about this but I won't...
So,in answer to your question..Clip in barrel empty or better yet,get a wheel gun in a proper caliber to carry with you in the remote wilderness you are talking about..