If you use current handle, you'll see a few current posters from both places. Looking thru there last night, I saw one that I havnt seen here for a few years. Was afraid he'd literally died. He's still giving out semi incorrect info. Altho he is finally realizing 15 series trucks can pull a trailer.
If I could find the post from 10-15 yrs ago of him going east up 228th by Kenmore gun club, now defunct Fruhling pit in south Snohomish count....a bit over 20%, poor guy thought he was climbing Mt Rainier! Going west is worst than going east like did. East is abit longer, in my IHC loaded I can do east in 2nd at 25k lbs or so, I'm in 2bd to start, as road gets steeper, I'm in first, las free hundred feet I've been on low, which is 10.05-1 when in the 26-28k relm pulling out of canyon park.
People think 5% freeway grades are steep! Lol