well, dammit...not all went well. the bypass kit I bought wouldnt' fit. the foam layer around the HW tank prvented the cold water inlet connection from being able to screw on, and the hot water line in the camper was too short to reach once the 3-way valve was installed on the HW outlet nipple. Putting it back together I cracked the plastic fitting on the HW line and will now need to get a new one. I drained everything and a neighbor at the campground brought a compressor over to blow out all the lines as a backup or precaution, which seemed to work well so I shouldn't be too screwed. I poured anti freeze into the traps. I brought home the battery and propane tank, and hopefully won't have any problems in the spring. I will get some new fittings and try to assemble the bypass and pump suction kits again next time I go up so that it's easier next year...live and learn. I also need to figure out where the closest RV store to the campground is so that I can run go get parts if needed. I know there is one in the Claremont NH area, probably about 10 to 15 minutes away, but I had spent too much time on it today and wanted to come home.