Is there a preferred method of winterizing a travel trailer?
Opinions are varied, and may have to do with what extreme weather you get.
Do most of you perform this function yourselves?
Where I live because of my location in the mountains that I may have to do this process a number of times in the Spring. Is one method better/easier than another?
The blowing of Lines with antifreeze in traps only is the EASIESTs.
The time consuming part of filling complete system with anti-freeze is the flushing of system after-wards.
NOW with that in mind, some say if you are in an area that experiences extreme freezes, that the complete filling of system with ant-freeze is the safest. Stories of elbows still holding water, freezing, and cracking in weird areas have come up, basically hard to tell if all water is out when blowing lines.
I have been told & scene, to by-pass the WATER-heater (off course drain it), but not to fill it with ant-freeze, then main water lines filled, will not take 6 gallons of anti-freeze.