Forum Discussion

nheninger's avatar
May 16, 2014

Wiring diagram

I have a 2008 Trail Lite r-vision TT model m-30qbss

I am having trouble hooking up the satellite tv. I can wire the satellite up directly to the tv and it works great so sat install can be ruled out as a problem. I am hooking up the satellite "cable in" connection on the slide out side on the back of the camper. I cant find any interior coax connections. The only coax connection is the antenna coax in the tv compartment which does not connect to the satellite cable in (and does not work for satellite because i tried it too just to be sure). The owners manual is less than helpful and says there are auxiliary ports located for my convienience. I have looked everywhere for an interior connector, a rolled up coax cable etc with no luck. So, I need a wiring diagram specific to this model or someone to tell me where the heck to find the interior connections so i don't have to drill a new hole. I called the dealer and was bounced around so many times it was no help at all.

Thanks ahead
  • If where you are hooking it up says "cable in" as you said then that is for cable and won't work for satellite unless you remove the cable from the back of the antenna booster control
  • The original dealer/manufacturer was who I called and they were worthless. Apparently they don't even have access to diagrams etc for these "older" models (2008?) since their plant moved to Oregon. He said I was probably SOL. Nice guy

    Well it took all afternoon, but it was a bad connection in the wall where the line in was. It was conveniently located under the water heater and a real PITA but now it works. Taking the time to wire outlets where i want them now and as suggested, it is now a dedicated line. A couple of audio lines to the on board stereo and I will have TV connected to inside/outside sound system too.

    Thanks for the quick input!
  • Chances are that either there is a loose connection or a splitter in the line somewhere. Sat won't work in that instance. I agree the best thing to do is run a dedicated RG6 cable for that purpose.
  • Try calling the manufacturer's customer service line directly instead of going through the dealer. They should be able to connect you with somebody that can answer your question.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I never had any luck using the SAT outside connection on my trailers. What I did a few years back was to run a RG CABLE from each of the two ports on my portable SAT DISH to a SAT RCVR I brought from home near the TV located in the main room and also in the bedroom.

    Then I hooked up the RG cable to the SAT RCVRs in each of the two rooms. Then I ran VIDEO CABLES from the SAT RCVR to the VIDEO INPUT CHANNELS on those TVs.

    Now I can watch SAT TV or CABLE/OTA TV by using the TV REMOTE.

    I could have rewired the SAT CABLE you are referring to but didn't want to mess with changing things. The problem is this SAT CABLE is tied into a SPLITTER where the CABLE TV is also using and you can't separate them to be used at the same time. The splitter also kills the SAT DISH DC control voltage going to the SAT DISH head.

    I was able to get my RG cables from the pass thru storage area to the two rooms inside the trailer and just left the two cables coiled up laying on the floor in the pass thru storage area. Then I can hook up to my portable SAT DISH when we setup at the camp ground.

    This is how I got my setup to work back then. The newer DISH ANTENNAS are probably a bit different now but this is the main reason you can't use the SAT CABLE on the side of the trailer.

    We have been leaving our SAT STUFF at home now since the NATL BROADCAST TV signals changed over to digital TV. We pick up these signals using our OTA Batwing antenna and they are all in full blown high def digital HDTV mode. We usually get 6-36 digital channels from the local towns just about every where we go here on the East side of the US. And it is all FREE to the public to use...

    Maybe others on here will have a better work-around

    Roy Ken