I'm sure all the suggestions work fine. I had the opportunity to use my Wobblestoppers a few times this year and I like them very much. There's a few reasons that I will cut and paste here form a document I made that I sent to Torklift providing feedback. In a nutshell, I highly recommend them.
First thing I noticed when I opened the shipping box is that the parts were well packaged and the finish on the products appears durable.
Instructions were easy to follow.
I was surprised and very pleased to find two locks were included. That’s awesome!
Now as to how they performed:
Connecting and disconnected the fast gun wobblestoppers is a breeze and is done in a matter of seconds. It is apparent Torklift paid attention to detail in developing this kit such as the self storing brackets, included locks, and velco securing straps.
The single best thing about the fastgun Wobblestoppers is that they self store. I already have a ton of things to pack and unpack, and I don’t have to worry about finding a place to store these. They are always right where I need them to be. The last thing I would want is the hassle of removal and finding yet another spot to store or haul something.
Upon connecting the Wobblestoppers for the first time, almost all sway and wobble from my camper jacks was eliminated. I can now walk inside and move around the camper without the swaying feeling. The lower to the ground I drop the camper, the more stable it becomes. It is a drastic improvement.
I usually unload the camper when I arrive at my destination, and for the first time my family and I were able to use the camper and not have to tiptoe around for fear of wobble. We spent a whole week in a very sold feeling camper thanks to the Wobblestoppers. It made our week more enjoyable because it eliminated a worrisome problem.
They are easily one of the best additions I have made to my truck camper set up.
As for the comment about leaks, I have two replies. The first is, the brackets screw in under the cab over. Water intrusion isn't really an issue in that area. Some sealant will keep the water out anyway. The brackets screw in to the frame, the screws aren't long enough to go through the framing and in to a water tank or wiring. Now worries there.