Forum Discussion

mik976's avatar
Jul 19, 2018

Y fitting at city water connection

I was thinking that it would be convenient to have a y fitting at the city water connection to run a second hose outside the travel trailer I use. Would something like this be frowned upon or is it okay? It would be great for filling dog water bowls and filling pots for cooking outside.
  • I always carry a "Y." I don't always install it, but I have it if I find a need.
  • I do it all the time. One hose goes to the city connection on the TT and the other one hose goes to my on demand water heater.
  • I always had one with a rwgular garden hose connected to it. Wash the dog, hook jp to the black tamk flush, heck I even had a water dish for the critters.
  • Welcome to the forum.

    It seems pretty common, at least at the few parks I've visited that offer water hook-ups.