c.traveler2 wrote:
GAR2 wrote:
Hello All,
I apologize for my absence. In 2022 I had two strokes, so my quest for a T/C got sidetracked. Lots of rehab, lots of prayer, learned to rewalk, lots more of rehab. Now I’m back to work and taking my life back.
I picked up a real nice Leer mid rise topper for $250. that fits my 2002 F350, same color, and looks sharp.
Some are saying just use the 12V+ connector on my 7 pin trailer connector to charge the house battery(s) and others are saying buy a Honda generator, but I’m reading about DC to DC chargers /isolators and maybe even a solar panel while I’m gone camping / hunting and it’s sunny out.
Anyway, I know this is the place to get solid advice, it’s all a new concept for me. I’m almost 61 so I’m wanting enough stored power for CPAP, cell phone, radio. and a few other small items. I’m thinking two 100AH batteries so I have 100 amps to use and only draw batteries down to 50%. Not really sure what I can run on 100AH for a 8 to 10 hour period. But it beats tent camping at my age??
I appreciate the help, Glenn
you've gotten plenty of advise on solar and batteries I'll address your DC to DC and solar charger. I've been using Renogy combine unit for 4 years now with zero problems and would fit your needs, it's easy to install a has a simple setup all types of batteries here's a link to that unit....Renogy dc to dc/ MPPT solar charger

Cool, thanks for the link- I’ll watch their video tonight