KKELLER14K: You've done a great job in documenting the jack tear down and maintenance. Similar to you, I've done the same job and took photos of all the steps. Since your post is so well done I've not added anything here except recent posts about the gear box and motor maintenance.
Like you said taking care not to lose parts or get them back in the wrong order is critical. It is a good idea to get the bearings (particularly the trust roller bearings) back in the same orientation that they came out. Bearing can have a tendency to "set in" to a given track or grove and changing that orientation can lead to accelerated wearing after reassembly. To make sure I got them back in the same order I placed the bearings and shims on a small piece of wire, made a loop and secured it. I then cleaned the shims and bearings while on that loop and reinstalled them in the same sequence and orientation that I removed them. Depending on shop layout and bench space it may also be handy to get several zip lock bags to keep parts and pieces from "walking off".
On my 10-2000 2002, Nothernlite I have 4100 and 4600 series jacks. If I recall correctly its the 4600's that use a ball screw and are on the front. The jack components are similar to the 4100, but there is a ball nut on the jack leg with matching ball type screw. The gear box and motor drive appeared to be the same on both models.