Regarding Exterior Finish: (for others) - there was a period of time where Happijac tubes were rusting badly via small exterior corrosion cells, I believe due to bad coating, I had to disassemble the jacks and take the tubes in to be sandblasted and powder coated. This fixed the problem. I wrote to Happijac but they did not answer me.
Regarding Bound-up tubes: I'm sorry for your trouble. Need to ask, is this just one tube or all 4? Is it at all possible you backed into/hit something and may have bent the tube(s)? (It wouldn't take much deflection to mess this up).
Regarding motors and water entry: It supposedly never rains in So Cal but I've had to rebuild several motors for this. Can't explain why, but motors were seized up solid with clear signs of water entry and damage. FYI, the little "drill motor" size bearings were readily available on Amazon for as low as 10qty/$12.99; (Same size as used in kid's "spinners") - the local NAPA store wanted $70 for just one bearing! It is my experience that years ago you could send in motors for exchange/rebuild but nowadays they will only sell you a complete replacement motorhead assembly, no exchange possible.
I'm overall happy with Happijac; but I'd be happy paying a little more for some extra Zerk grease nipples or oil lubrication ports, if that would assure longer life/ease of maintenance.