Forum Discussion

bobbolotune's avatar
Sep 12, 2022

Towing truck camper (expecting first experience today)

I am stuck in a Walmart parking lot with my truck that won't start. So unless it turns out to only be the battery (which I doubt from the way it suddenly went totally dead) I am going to have my first towing experience today.

The manual for my RAM 3500 4x4 says that for 4WD models flatbed is the best towing method. However, with the camper on the truck I question if the height of the truck camper and flatbed combined would exceed height limits. So this is my question. Is flatbed tow of a truck camper possible? The manual says the other acceptable method is flat tow on 4 wheels.

The manual says the wheel lift is not acceptable.

I am concerned if I am going to have to argue with the tow truck about this. A while back I asked a friend of a friend who owns a tow business about this and he said "Ah, I would probably just lift it". Well the manual says lifting the front or back will cause "severe transmission and/or transfer case damage".

I have Good Sam towing. Does anyone have experience with this? Do they know enough to send someone with the proper equipment?

Finding someone to fix the truck is the next question. I believe that Good Sam only says whey will tow to the nearest repair facility. Well, what if that facility can't work on it for 2 weeks? Or even if only more than 1 day is a problem because I am traveling alone with my dog. Unless they let us sleep on their lot it will be a mess what to do. Dog friendly hotel?

So I have been googling and calling local mechanics trying to find someone who will work on it today, or at least let us sleep on their lot if it can't be fixed same day. Since I have been calling on Sunday I have no responses yet.

Any suggestions how to approach this are welcome and appreciated. But my main question is about the towing and what to expect from Good Sam.
  • Buzzcut1 wrote:
    medium duty wrecker , rear drive shaft removed, front wheels lifted. That's how BKA got towed. with his F550 and his TC in the bed

    Above is your answer. With rear drive shaft totally removed.
    The transfer case and transmission will not be turning.
    Wheel lift from the front.

  • Batteries do fail and also connections get corroded and drop connection. It may be a simple fix, so hope a hand helper shows up and finds the issue and can avoid towing. A volt meter is a handy thing to check the battery.
  • Batteries fail w/o warning, load test it, observe headlights while starting, buy a battery, rent a car, etc options, may/may not resolve. See if you can pay the tow truck for alternate delivery. You may have to remove the camper but I would not leave it at Walmart. May have to find alternate sleeping arrangements. Maybe a mobile mechanic.

    Just saying be prepared, but hopefully resolved easily,
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    Just posting here to see how you make out. Good luck!
  • medium duty wrecker , rear drive shaft removed, front wheels lifted. That's how BKA got towed. with his F550 and his TC in the bed
  • Back decades ago when most to truck only had a sling we often carried dollies to carry 1 end of a vehicle. Only lifted a few inches. Most likely your camper would be too heavy, so we would pull rear driveshaft.
  • Where are you? maybe somebody on here could bring a load tester to check your battery? Is it the original battery in the truck? If so, I would guess that it could be your problem.
    I would think you would be way to high to be on a flatbed with the camper.
    Could you unload the camper in the walmart until truck gets fixed?