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911 Emergency Number Is Now National

If I'm not mistaken, and I didn't find any posts, 911 is now the national emergency number for all of Mexico.

Mexico Adopts 911

El nuevo código aplicará para solicitar apoyo de Policía Local, Policía Judicial Estatal y del D.F., Cruz Roja, Sistema Nacional de Atención de Emergencias de la Ciudadanía, Bomberos, y el servicio de denuncia anónima, que ahora se realiza en el código 089.

The new code applies to local police, PJE and D.F., Red Cross, National System for Citizen Emergencies, fire departments, anonymous reports, and all other emergencies.

I know that in major metro areas of Mexico the conversion has already taken place. Television and radio spots are constantly reminding us of the change.

Good thing for tourists who were always confused by the many numbers we have for emergencies and some that varied depending on city or state. It took us awhile but it looks like we're on board with other countries.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

How about a relative in the US who was/is a 911 operator and was/is addicted to morphine for the last 20 years????

Viva Mexico!!

qtla9111 wrote:
Debbie Downers Wah wah 🙂

Gettin' a bit tired of posting anything positive about Mexico. It would be interesting to see a forum from another country about the U.S. and Canada.

I'm not putting Mexico down. Just being realistic. I was pleasantly surprised to see 911 in operation. This is a positive move and a positive post. I'm not detracting from that.

As for the dispatchers speaking only Spanish, it would be hard to find a 911 operator in British Columbia that speaks fluent Spanish. Or even French and that is an official language in Canada.

I once took an ambulance line in order to assist with a Spanish speaker, and a colleague took a couple of calls in German. I don't expect 911 operators in Mexico to speak English. Just hope that should I need to use it my Spanish would be up to the task or I'd be lucky enough to find an English speaker.

Debbie Downers Wah wah 🙂

Gettin' a bit tired of posting anything positive about Mexico. It would be interesting to see a forum from another country about the U.S. and Canada.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

Sonora has had 911 for about 3 years. They even had billboards in Tucson touting the service. It would not work from a landline. Only a Mexican cell. None of the operators spoke English. But this is a national system . Hopefully it will be better

I know a local Expat American and Mexican resident and Citizen of Mexico (fluent Spanish) had the occasion to use 911 here in Zihuatanejo a couple of weeks ago and he was "less than impressed" with the experience.

It will take time and lots of training, practice and experience for the operators to attain the level that we are used to NOB.

It is good to see it come, just don't expect miracles overnight. I was an ambulance dispatcher in British Columbia when the 911 system started there. And yes, there were lots of growing pains.

Would be helpful if someone can try that # from a foreign cell phone. May not work. It is common for special #'s in a N.A cell system to not work with phones from say Europe. Perhaps you have to dial some sort of prefix. I also wonder if they will have English speaking operators?
