Forum Discussion

rztravelerUSA's avatar
Dec 13, 2015

ARe these Mexico RV Parks still open and more

Copper Canyon RV Park in Los Mochis.
Los Pinos RV Park in Tepic.
San Jose del Tajo in Guadalajara.

Where's a good and not expensive RV park in Mazatlan. Is Las Jaibas still open as I would like to stay in this part of the city. I don't want to drive to the San Fernando RV park as I hate driving the city streets.

I am currently in San Carlos and going to Chapala where I have a home. It's been years since I've been to the west Mexico RV parks and I checked out Church's web site and have their 2012 book. I found the website still lists closed RV parks and I know my book is outdated. Also read old posts in this forum but some were a bit confusing as to whether the parks are open.

Also, as I leave Tepic I would like to bypass the Guadlajara Periferico. Is the outer bypass finished enabling me to bypass Guadalajara and where can I get on if driving the cuota from Tepic. I drove part of it a few years ago but the NW part had yet to be built. I stayed at the San Jose del Tajo for 7 months back in 2006 but over the years it has gone downhill. Ron, from Canada, if you knew him, had his truck stolen from the park and another time driving the road back to the park he was car jacked and his other truck stolen. He told me they pulled guns on him so he gave them the keys without an argument. I heard he died and last time I saw him his health wasn't too good. Is Andres still the manager?

Please folks, my last post to this forum was hijacked and most the posts had nothing to do with my request. Please only write comments related to this post. Ron
  • San Jose del Tajo is still a great place to stay though. Classic. The clubhouse is incredible architecture and to walk around the park is a walk down memory lane. Lots of older rvs and there is still an abandoned Avion TC sitting there. The trees and greenery are wonderful. I know the kids are waiting to sell out and I don't blame them. They are sitting on millions of dollars in real estate. Great food up front as you head out to the main street. Very convenient place for some down time and close to all fill ups meaning shopping.

    If you haven't been there, stop by just once. It won't be there forever.
  • Thank you all for your replies, very good and helpful. If anyone is in Chapala, stop by to visit. I am going to put my place up for sale, see my other post. Ron
  • Lo smochis is up for sale when I was there last week. Still a dump, I damaged my Rv on a tap hidden in the grass.
  • Unfortunately the Terms Good and Not Expensive do not go together in Mazatlan these days!

    I understand that the going rate is around $50 USD per night for short term stays! There may be a couple for a little less ,but none that I am aware of from friends recent stop over there!

    Copper Canyon in Los Mochis is still there and so are the Roosters! A better stop is the Pemes Truck Stop on the East side of the Highwat just over the Bridge on the South End of Loa Mochis. Not glamorous and can be busy with Transport Trucks but No Cockadoodle Do!

    Los Pinos is still open in Tepic though not easy to get into for larger rigs.

    San Jose Del Tajo remains buried in the Sprawl of Shopping Centres and Upscale Housing projects along the busy Highway leading to Villa Corona and Jacotepec. As a previous poster put it the condition is poor!

    Chimulco at Villa Corona is Open and still welcoming , but You are heading for Lake Chapala ,so not of much interest to You!

    The Outer Ring Road described by briansue2 is Our preferred route around Guadalahara and will likely work best for You. It does get very close to Villa Corona!

    Safe travels and be sure to post the Road Conditions South of San Carlos?
  • This may not help you at all depending on what it is you want to do. We spend time at the west end of Chapala when in the Guad area. We visit Guad, Tlaquepaque, Tonala, and many villages in the area from there. We have stayed at Tajo but did not like it.

    And there is a way to completely bypass Guad using a sort of outer ring road that does add more than a few miles but keeps you out of the traffic. We have not personally taken this route but know several people who have. There are other routes around Guad. In recent years there have been many improvements to many roads in Mexico. You can ask on this forum if people have other alternatives and conditions of the roads. I will try to post a map here..........

  • Los Pinos is open and lovely.
    San Jose del Tajo is open and in the same condition it's been in for years. Andres is still the manager.
    La Jaiba is open.
    The only away around Guad is still the periferico, and it's in worse condition that normal. Not full of holes, but very rough. You don't have to go all the way around to your turn off, but it took us an hour from getting on it to getting off again.