Forum Discussion

Sep 01, 2017

Automatic Road Closed Signage...

Is when the gully fills up with wrecked cars that manage to catch fire.

From today's Tropical Storm
  • Mexicowanderer

    At least Mexico didn't have to pass a 'STUPID MOTORIST' Law like here in AZ.

    Too many Arizonians are so stupid they drive right into flooded roadways...even when proper signage is set out

  • Titled in Spanish my friends roared with laughter until tears flowed. One of the characteristics of being Mexican is an appreciation of pitch black humor. It is a release for being trapped in a rigid society. The latest viral is a two wheeled burro cart that cuts through a gasolinera, snags a wheel on a pump island, flips the cart and burro upside down with burro kicking furiously. The title "Rapido y Furioso (Fast and Furious). The driver sprang up, and with help, set the cart upright whereupon the burro took off without him.
    Mexico s not a choreographed diorama. It is a real country with real people who learned to deal with shortfalls with side-splitting humor. Extraneous who "don't get it" sadly miss out on one of the strengths of Mexican Society. La Ley de Herodes, a movie, typifies Mexican black humor. If you are curious about this cultural phenomenon I suggest renting a subtitled movie. Few people can watch this film and avoid rib damage.
  • I don't see any smoke? Road is open?
    Actually if enough cars pack in we could just drive over....

    No country is immune to washed out main highways. Happens everywhere.
  • rjxj wrote:
    qtla9111 wrote:
    We sure as heck don't go into to debt to spend billions for a governmental organization that couldn't find it's way out of a trash basket. At least we don't owe the world, namely the Chinese, 20 trillion dollars.

    You, MEXICOWANDERER, enjoy showing the dark side of Mexico which in reality is a small part of a great nation. Lay off.

    COME ON NOW, We have the best politicians money can buy!!! LOL

    They're all the same no matter what country they belong to. They are no longer public servants but career politicians. Even Mujica from Uraguay who claimed he had a net worth of only $350K and drove an old VW Beetle didn't include his wife's holdings.

    That said, we let them get away with it.
  • qtla9111 wrote:
    We sure as heck don't go into to debt to spend billions for a governmental organization that couldn't find it's way out of a trash basket. At least we don't owe the world, namely the Chinese, 20 trillion dollars.

    You, MEXICOWANDERER, enjoy showing the dark side of Mexico which in reality is a small part of a great nation. Lay off.

    COME ON NOW, We have the best politicians money can buy!!! LOL
  • We sure as heck don't go into to debt to spend billions for a governmental organization that couldn't find it's way out of a trash basket. At least we don't owe the world, namely the Chinese, 20 trillion dollars.

    You, MEXICOWANDERER, enjoy showing the dark side of Mexico which in reality is a small part of a great nation. Lay off.
  • From my days of living in Mexico....I remember the way they often marked roads like that.

    A couple of soda or beer bottles with some burning kerosene set in a line maybe 15 feet back from the edge......:E