1BryNelson wrote:
I was hoping that someone out there has made the overland trip south to Belize?
If so I'd appreciate some tales of the trip (s).
I copied this down, at least I hope I have, just to show everyone again what I asked. I asked for info from people who had actually made a trip down there, didn't I.
Some of you need to get a life or do you just like to start arguments!
Thank you John & Angela for all your input and Effy. Effy great article. I've copied that into a word document so I can refer back to it often.
Any others that have traveled into Mexico recently, especially east coast, please speak up.
I met a guy that said he had just returned from Belize in a Class A moho within the last year. He drove down there 4 years before. That's what got me started. He had intended to stay 4 or 5 months but liked it so much he stayed 4 years.