A person can get hacked the second they log onto the internet, even logging on here. Its all luck of the draw and has nothing to do with playing it safe.
Very true. But there is a huge difference between going on the internet in general and going on so-called social media - especially Facebook. Social media is much more personal and people do put out more information about themselves than on the internet in general - whether people intend to or not social media makes a great deal more about a person's identity easily available. People not only put out stuff about themselves but they have "friends" who also can expose their identity to the world. Then people put out things such as pictures of themselves and their family and friends. This adds substantially to creating a profile of an individual that is much less available on the internet in general.
We probably all buy stuff from places like Amazon - which exposes us and our credit cards to the internet. Certainly a risk. But social media is hugely more personal. Connect today's computers and "phones" to an individual and everything about us is out there for the talented hackers to see. Every phone has GPS so our location and habits are available to all. Social media increases exposure exponentially. The risks grow exponentially.
Way back when (1949?) a book titled "1984" put the fear of "big brother is watching" into the world. We wanted our privacy. We did not want to be watched. I still don't. But it seems a goodly percent of the world is saying - " hey, look at me" - which is precisely what social media is. Everyone can have a computer and a cell phone but very few seem to know how much these things can expose you to the criminal element - not just your "friends". I previously used the word naive and I can think of no better word to try to explain the lack of understanding most people have about how much using a computer and/or cell phone exposes so much more information about us than most people even begin to realize. So that seems to be a big part of the problem I see - most people just have not idea - they think they do but they really have no clue. 1984 is alive and well but it is not only Big Brother who is watching - the whole world is watching. They do not have to steal - the naive are giving it all out for free.