RVcrazy wrote:
How long would you allow in each? Must sees? Where to stay? I am drawn to Red Gate in Savannah, but am open to others. Convenience counts & their shuttle service sounds good. Which city did you prefer &why? Thanks!
RVCrazy,both cities are really great..coming from a northern boy....If you can do 3 or 4 days in each......and i enjoyed either the wagon of trolley rides first, gives you a great perspective of each and then plan from there.....
Like mentioned on here, the campground selection is limited but in Savannah,we actually stay in Hardeeville,SC...and it is a 10 minute ride to the visitor center and river walk.....
many great places to eat...but DO NOT MISS Mrs Wilkes Boarding House on 197 W Jones st...it is only open from 11am to 2 pm ..Mon to Fri..get there in line by 10:45.....you will not be sorry
In Charleston, we stayed at Oak Plantation...many like James Island and it is a great place but we had trouble going in with low trees and vines..lost a/c cover.....