A friend of ours lost his wife a few years back, and they also did a lot of camping. He also thought about doing it alone and thought it would be to hard thinking of all the good times he and his wife had over the years.
Well, that didn't last long, he bought a cell phone which he never had before her death learned how it worked and started camping and traveling. Now he send messages just about every day to his kids to let them know where he is and what's going on, as they were ore worried about him than he was about him....
I think it is coming up on years 5 now that he has been alone and he is camping more now than ever.
He hasn't going to Alaska alone that I know of but he has been up north to Whitehorse, Dawson City, a couple years ago and to Newfound Land last yearl. He just got back from spending the winter in AZ last week.
He also has a rig simaler to yours, where he used to have a 5th wheel when he traveled with his wife. The Class C that he has is fairly new, and he did add a few things like a backup camera a cell phone booster, and he got a 1000 watt Honda Gen set, and added 120 watt solar panels to the roof, with 6 volt batteries to run the " camper" end of things in the rig, he is pretty well self contained.
As well I have seen singles camping sites on the internet but can't recall their names, someone else may have that info for you.
I would think it over pros and cons talk with your family is possible as see what they think.
All thou I'm not in your situation so I can't say what to do, however from what my buddy has been doing I think you will be fine.