Forum Discussion

Thunder_Mountai's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 06, 2016

Stand alone portable dishwasher?

I previously asked about a Fisher-Paykel built in dishwasher. After evaluating cabinet work and drain lines, our only option is to go the roll around portable kind. Found an 18" Sunpentown that will work. Anybody had any experience with roll arounds?
  • Our last rig had a dishwasher, and this one does not. My wife filled the bottom two drawers with a dish rack, soap, towels, scrubbers, and said there! "When you rip out those two drawers and install the dishwasher you promised, I wont miss the space because we won't need any of that junk anymore!" After every meal, she gets up and pulls out the bottom drawer and says "oh, that's not a dishwasher" and walks away. :)
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Dick_B wrote:
    Really? a dishwasher in an RV? My Wife married one!

    I know that feeling Dick, I know that feeling, only my wife passed on so I'm not only the chief dishwasher (She used to do that) but the Chief Cook (We both did that.. Me being the superior cook).

    (in another post in another area I explained why, I learned to read for fun.. Turns out it makes recipes easier to follow). (Alas that post refused to post)

    But I'd like to know who makes the SMALLEST portable or counter top dishwasher.. After all.. I'm very "Cramped" in this house.
  • DSDP Don wrote:
    "Thunder Mountain".....I know adding a built-in like the FisherPaykel may seem daunting, but it's pretty easy. The only difficult work would be the wood work. I was asked to install one in a Newmar that didn't have one. I started thinking about the fittings, especially for the drain and it seemed nightmarish until I looked at mine. There is actually a drain pipe piece that replaces your current under sink elbow that directly connects the drain on the Fisher. The water is already there and they use a 110 volt out for power.

    So the only work would be to frame out the new one.

    We really love our F/P. We add dishes and plates for about three days and then run it in the evening. It is sooooo quiet, you can't hear it run. It actually uses less water than washing by hand. We're not lazy, but often dishes sat in the sink until after dinner. Now they go directly into the washer until it's full.

    Since your coach is new, also think about Winnebago just making you any wood work you might need, like a frame or cabinet door.

    Thanks for the reply. I installed a Vesta in our '07 Endeavor. It was a snap. The wood working was the easiest part. We loved having squeaky clean plates.

    The sink in our 2016 Journey is stationary. There is no way to put a dishwasher under the stove in the full wall slide. I can't get the drain line to the gray line. In the other kitchen slide, I would loose all our under cabinet space. The drain and water line would also be a challenge. We have a small cart we use for the coffee maker. The foot print of the stand alone dishwasher is not all that much bigger, and we can put the coffee maker on top of it.
  • "Thunder Mountain".....I know adding a built-in like the FisherPaykel may seem daunting, but it's pretty easy. The only difficult work would be the wood work. I was asked to install one in a Newmar that didn't have one. I started thinking about the fittings, especially for the drain and it seemed nightmarish until I looked at mine. There is actually a drain pipe piece that replaces your current under sink elbow that directly connects the drain on the Fisher. The water is already there and they use a 110 volt out for power.

    So the only work would be to frame out the new one.

    We really love our F/P. We add dishes and plates for about three days and then run it in the evening. It is sooooo quiet, you can't hear it run. It actually uses less water than washing by hand. We're not lazy, but often dishes sat in the sink until after dinner. Now they go directly into the washer until it's full.

    Since your coach is new, also think about Winnebago just making you any wood work you might need, like a frame or cabinet door.