Forum Discussion

Devocamper's avatar
Aug 30, 2016

I-91 Sprigfield Mass

Heading to Vermont from Ct next week using I-91 through Springfield mass and was wondering if this section of I-91 is still under construction? Came through there last year and both the north and south side were so bad I thought we were going to lose the trailer there were no lane markings and the cement sections created a very bad washboard effect, thought I would ask before we go hoping the road conditions are better a year later?
Thanks for any information
  • Thanks for the replies there are not a lot of options for us that would not be way out of the way to get to Vermont from CT , just had hoped they made some progress since last September the south bound side coming home was the worst. Thanks again for the help
  • Take 91 I drive it daily in my commute and came through there with my tt a month ago. It was not perfect but way better than taking rt 5. Lanes seem narrow due to the jersey barriers but they are normal width.
  • I was just on it Thursday with my motorhome. There was construction going on, unless I'm entirely mixing up cities, but I don't recall that the road was unusually rough by construction zone standards. Pavement markings were not very well defined at all, and of course driving alongside Jersey barriers is never a lot of fun.

    I will admit that I seem to have a higher tolerance for rough roads than some here. Quite possibly not much has changed since you were last along there.