Forum Discussion

briansue's avatar
Jan 09, 2016


Many people who read this forum are aware (if you have not forgotten) that in Mexico the law says you must move to the right shoulder to make a left turn if there is traffic in either direction – toward you or behind you. We received an email which adds somewhat to that law. Hope this make sense – not that the law makes sense but that this is what drivers are required to do in Mexico and how the law works.

The email in part........

Apparently an RVer with a slide in pick up camper towing a car, was trying to pull into the campground, turned on his left signal, started to turn and promptly got smashed into by someone who was passing him.

Luckily no one was hurt, the policia were called and the folks had good Mexican insurance. The adjuster came in about 3 hours, and they towed the truck into the campground, then finished business. Both vehicles are out of commission for now. The guy who hit them is NOT at fault. Here in Mexico the law is (according to the officials in Jalisco), whether your left turn signal is on or not, if you are in a passing zone, you cannot turn left until the passers have passed you by. If you are in a NO passing zone, and the guy passes anyway and hits you, it is his fault. We knew something like that was the rule, but never had it spelled out so clearly.

So the RVer is at fault, but luckily they have good Mexican insurance, their papers in order so they did not get the truck confiscated or end up in jail, as happens when things are not in order. When they get the camper off the pickup bed, the truck will be towed to the garage. Unfortunately the insurance requires the truck be fixed at one of their contracted garages.

The insurance adjuster paid the tow truck, will pay to fix everything minus a $500 deductible, so all in all, they are lucky.

To add to that email - we know there are towns and cities where this can differ.

In Patzcuaro there are separated right lanes before intersections you must get into to make a left turn - then there is a left turn arrow for that lane only. Not all intersections - just some - you really have to pay attention. I believe we saw this in Playa del Carmen - as well as other places I can't remember.

In Oaxaca there is at least one place where the entire road changes so the left lane becomes the right lane and the right lane becomes the left lane - just like England - but not exactly. There is a crossover to the turn lane. Then a crossover to get back to normal (back from England). This allows the right lane (which is now the left lane) to make a left turn at a major intersection.

Other areas actually have left turn lanes.

And then there are the Retornos which could be left land or right lane to go left. You must pay attention at all times.