Forum Discussion

Bounder_Lew's avatar
Jul 09, 2014

Monarch Butterfly documentary

Here is an interesting documentary on the amazing migration of the Monarch butterfly.
  • Well things have really deteriorated in the past five years if you should not drive yourself to the butterfly mountains. Back then we had no issues and had no worries. Maybe the trick is to do what we did, drive an old vehicle with nearly half a million kilometers on the clock. We had a great time, set our own timetable.
  • Going next season. BTW it is in the heart of Michoacan state, it is advisable to use a caravan company that has it in its itinerary, or take a bus tour rather than drive there by yourself at this time. I am taking a bus tour and leaving my RV on the coast.
  • The milk weed is being weeded out, leaving the Monarchs unable to thrive on anything else and it doesn't help that unlawful forest practices are taking place within the butterfly preserves in the mountains of Mexico.
  • Hopefully some of the lands in the US that the butterfly roost in the migration North will also be declared off limits to developers and such so that we the US do not contribute to theire extinction.

    We need to start being a bit more carfull with the environment of all creatures, remember we are also animals, mamals!

  • Yes, amazing, a life experience not forgotten. Five years ago, to Angangeo. Did not know at the time, but that was only a year or two after the region was declared a United Nations heritage site.