Better to talk about how BETTER to understand Mexican traffic laws. Nothing is more embarrassing than a red-faced gringo shouting at a cop after breaking the law. Here are a couple of doozies and yes these laws cover the entire nation and yes I have described them accurately as possible...
IT IS ILLEGAL to enter an intersection with an amber light already glowing. In the states it is a RED light. In Mexico it is the AMBER or YELLOW light.
IT IS ILLEGAL to make a left turn from a travel lane if shoulder conditions allow pulling off the onto the RIGHT shoulder and wait for traffic to clear. Then carefully cross all travel lanes and make a right. Yes this means you can be charged guilty for having someone rear end you. IF SHOULDER CONDITIONS ALLOW is a major point. Obviously a motor home is not a car and cops will not site the driver UNLESS that shoulder was level gravel. Just keep it in mind if a wide shoulder exists, especially if it has a solid white painted stripe. Automobiles are much more prone to get cited for this infraccion. Don't bother arguing this, I have read the law in too many Mexican traffic books (It's 31 state universal) and it is enforced by city transitos, policias municipios and the PFP.
The above point is why you often see Mexicans ahead of you dart to the empty left lane then make a left. Pay attention to left turn lanes on major highways that are located on the shoulder. They are paved, striped, arrowed with a stop sign.